Monday, July 8, 2013

Some Interesting Transit Planning Links

Tellingly, the goofs on!forum/transport-innovators never commented on this post: I'm constantly exasperated here by the un-ending call for subway expansion into areas without the density required or the build-it-and-they-will-come mentality of LRT worship when the current and near term development might not even support efficient express bus service. Seems that density studies (such as the Global news map) should identify corridors, capacity considerations ( should determine appropriate modes, and then realistic projections for growth considered to make a final decision. The sore lacking point of course is an integration of PRT, GRT, or ATNs into the mix. The video from archdaily ( does a good job of starting that conversation. To gain traction and interest, wouldn't it be hugely in the interest of the ATN industry to call for grants and programs to work the other modes of transit into the numbers and evaluations already available and accepted for "traditional" modes?

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